Yeah one page that speaks all languages !!!!!!
Surely I know its my cheat book , soon it will yours
When it get started do tell us the GYAN you need
The authors for this section are the TOP GEEKS serving MANkind
with their unchangeable quest for codes !!
So they are here , just make them listen with your comments
So lets start with Java : as its the buzz word nowdays::::::::;;
Day 1 : Download the latest Java Environment from the official website as Java is a open Language . So you can download the latest Java Runtime Environment and JDK the latest release .
Once the download is complete , install it in your root directory , mostly C:/ .
In order , to reduce the path names you can directly instal it in the C: with the folder name as JDk , instead of installing in under Programs .
Once the install is complete , you can wander in the folder to make yourself familiar with the Language Java.
You will see a Bin folder . This is the folder where all your work would be .Now your are ready to write your 1st HELLO program.
Next Activity tomorrow